Hazama Stance


Abriged Origins

The main antagonist in the first few games and an overall despicable individual. He’s a man who is capable create magical items for his own use. Most notably, he made a magical device that allows him to create an unlimited amount of fedoras. We learn in later games that he is in fact not a human, but rather a homunculus. He was created for the sole purpose so that an evil spirit can use his body as a vessel. Side note: His moves and overall style are inspired by Micheal Jackson.

How I Play This Character

STYLE IS YOUR PAIN AND GAME! When playing him, you want to look as stylish as possible by showing off your kicks and cool air movement with chains. This must look like you know what you’re doing in order to discourage the opponent and to confuse them (even though you may have no clue as to what you are doing).