Tager Stance


Abriged Origins

He was once a very important soldier boy working for a scientific group, until his base was eventually attacked which heavily injured him. So, a neko (cat) person had a brilliant idea of giving him some chilly peppers (also known as the red devil seed) to turn him red and grow his muscles to a ridiculous degree. Additionally, he is a human equivalent of a modular tank, since his maintenance cost are extravagant and he could change depending on the situation.

How I Play This Character

GRAB!GRAB!GRAB! No one ever expects you to do the same move over and over again (unless they do). I personally just try to do some basic combos that buys time or to close the gap between myslef and the enemy bad guy to allow a grab move for MASSIVE DAMAGE! By doing this, It's possible to compete with more skillful players because they simply aren't expecting you to do something so simple. Although, this charm becomes ineffective as soon as they realize this simplistic technique.